Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Side Effects of Progesterone Replacement Therapy

"The risks involved in Progesterone Replacement Therapy (PRT) include pulmonary embolism, cerebral thrombosis and embolism, neuro-ocular lesions, rise in blood pressure, and hemorrhagic eruption. Taking progesterone alone, combining it with estrogen or using a synthetic version has been reported to raise a woman´s chances of developing blood clots or breast cancer or suffering a heart attack or stroke." ~ http://tinyurl.com/6d6g3o2

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Headache Home Remedy


  1. Apple Cider vinegar (organic and “from the mother”) – Braggs recommended
  2. Rose Buds (health food store)
  3. Rosemary (fresh is best)
  4. Honey (local is best)

In a jar pour ½ full of apple cider vinegar. Add ¼ of a handful of rosebuds, 1 liberal sprig of rosemary and a teaspoon of honey. Stir the honey in until it dissolves. Put in a shady cool place and let sit for at least a few days. After that you can store it indefinitely in a cool shady cupboard and take a small sip whenever you have a headache. The jar I use has been sitting in my cabinet for close to 2 years and still works like a charm every time!

Note: will probably not work on migraines or cluster headaches. This is for small annoying headaches, mostly in the frontal area of your head.